Thursday, October 26, 2006

Looking Back at Wednesday October 25th

Let's take a look at last night's television shows, which featured another great episode of Lost.
  • Jericho: I missed a portion of last night's episode, but from what I saw it looked interesting though lacking in any big developments. An EMP was launched and fried all electronics which I think will back them into a corner sooner or later (the writers). However, thus far they've handled it well as they jumped forward two weeks. Stanley and the woman from the IRS (having only watched six episodes, it's tough to remember everybody on an ensemble drama of this size. I'm fairy certain this is the largest ensemble drama on TV) look to be hooking up sooner or later, unless they did during the portion I missed. The black guy (sorry!) looks to be a spy from the U.S. Government that knew this was coming so I'm interested in seeing more about that. Jake also has an interesting background, and in the upcoming weeks it looks like things are going to get really interesting for him according to the previews. Another good show, but next week looks to be the one where we start getting some answers.

  • Lost: Last night's episode may have been one of the best episodes purely because of the fact that the episode focused on Sawyer and he nailed it out of the park. We got to see more of the background of Sawyer as we see him in jail, find out that he has a child, and conned his way out of jail by turning over ten million dollars to the government that one of the prisoners came in with hidden outside of the jail. On top of that, he gets a cut of the money, which he gives to his daughter Clementine. Loved that. Just loved it. With Sawyer going through heartache in his flashback we then get to see Sawyer tortured and conned by the Others, and then having to hear Kate tell him that she loves him only to say later that he doesn't. Then, in the end, while he still thinks he has a pacemaker that could kill him, he's told he was conned, and that he is not on the same island that he was on before as he looks at the island he used to be on. God, it sucked to be Sawyer in that episode. It looks like Ben has tumor according to the previews that Jack is going to have to operate on, and Desmond can see the future. With two more episodes before the fall finale, this has been an amazing stretch of episodes, and well worth it. Going to suck waiting three months for the next episode, and hopefully Day Break can fill the void rather well

  • 30 Rock: Saw this one early yesterday and meant to talk about it, but it totally got away from me. 30 Rock is a mixed show with some great laughs and some horrible stories in there. However, it's the only sitcom I'm watching, and it looks to be getting a chance. I like Tina Fey and thin she has talent. I also think her talent is being shown here while it was wasted on Saturday Night Live personally. With her getting the time, I hope she gets the most of it, and we'll see eventually what happens. Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan are also hilarious on this show, and worth watching the show just for them. Average show that has potential. But, I think it's the best of the new sitcoms.
More later.


The Pulse

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